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Winning Against the Cell Phone Algorithm in the Classroom
Understanding the Cell Phone Attachment
Course Reel (0:18)
Course Introduction (2:04)
The Student Mentality Stairway (12:20)
The Monster Hurdle (2:42)
The Generation Z (13:19)
Let's Talk Tik Tok (10:23)
Let's Talk Instagram Reels (5:09)
Let's Talk Netflix (6:37)
Let's Talk YouTube (5:54)
Let's Talk Music (7:19)
Euphoria (Dream Land) (7:10)
The Facts Behind the Algorithm (10:56)
The Big Effects (19:09)
Manipulation of Magic (6:27)
The Secret Sauce (10:39)
From Tool to Toxic (8:12)
The Big Point (3:08)
The Teacher's Role
Land the Plane (4:58)
$5 Bill Story (6:31)
The Teacher Gumbo (12:04)
Meeting The Algorithm (8:21)
The Platform (7:10)
The First 5 (5:38)
The Rogers and Clark Principle (6:14)
Content about Content? (6:05)
The Reward System (9:10)
The Potluck Experience (3:56)
The Wrap Up (2:19)
The Blueprints
A New Way of Taking Notes
Discourse in the Classroom
Incorporating the Arts in the Classroom
Incorporating Movement in the Classroom
Community in the Classroom
New Videos!!!
The First Days of School Cell Phone Talk (2:32)
Meeting The Algorithm
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